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Systems Administration Notes.

Installing VMplayer 7.0.1 on Slackware 14.1.

Installing VMplayer 7.0.1 on Slackware 14.1.

Following a complete reinstall on a fresh Slackware 14.1 setup I could not restart VMPlayer for love nor money. Endless iterations of uninstalling 6.0.2 and installing 7.0.1 got me no where nor did the reverse procedure. The install appeared to complete successfully but no prompts and no working instance upon completion.

Why I decided after the very last uninstall to search out anything beginning with "vmw" i don't know, but only desparation would have led me to blow away the directories (and contents) "vmware-installer" and "vmware-vix" in /etc. Having done so however everything changed. The install worked, even in GTK mode, all the proper prompts including that for the End User Licence Agreement. Having left rc.vmware and rc.vmware-USBArbitrator as links to vmware and vmwareUSBArbitrator in /etc/init.d these too were updated and restarted without difficulty.

Clifford W Fulford
13 March 2015.

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